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 About Rebecca



Rebecca Spencer – DipHE RN (Adult) BSc (Hons)


Rebecca has been a qualified Micropigmentation Practitioner since 2011. She runs both private and NHS clinics and has regular training updates with Finishing Touches Group. She completed her nurse training in 2008 at St Richards Hospital in Chichester with the University of Surrey and has a BSc (Hons) degree in Acute Clinical Practice specialising in plastic surgery and breast cancer. Rebecca has also completed a Principles of Breast Cancer Care module (Masters level) at the Royal Marsden Hospital School. She regularly teaches on plastic surgery and breast reconstruction courses, and has previously taught on the Brighton & South East Breast Day and to staff at Breast Cancer Care. 


Rebecca has worked at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead since 2004 starting as a HCA before going off to do her nurse training, then returning on completion. As a nurse she has worked on the specialist plastic reconstructive and maxillofacial wards and the step down unit/enhanced recovery area where she cared for patients who underwent major reconstructive surgery. Her current NHS role is as a Macmillan Breast Reconstruction Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) at the Queen Victoria Hospital. Rebecca has been an expert contributor on the Breast Cancer Care and Macmillan Breast Reconstruction patient information booklets. She is a trustee and secretary for the breast reconstruction charity Restore. 


Rebecca said: “I find being able to support women contemplating, and going through breast reconstruction so rewarding. It is a privilege to be able to say I am there to support people at one of the most difficult times of their lives.

 I am proud to work with such a wonderful plastics team who all have the same ethos and strive for

outstanding patient care.”

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